lunes, 31 de marzo de 2014


Poverty and exclusion in Europe and the Basque Country (link)

If you click on the link above, you will see different poverty and exclusion rates in European countries compared with the one in the Basque Country.
As we can see there, poverty rates have increased since 2008 in most of the countries; mostly in Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Greece and some eastern countries.

Poverty and Exclusion:
Almost 80 million people live below the poverty line in the European Union.
Problems that arise from living in poverty may include not having enough money to spend on food and clothes, poor housing conditions, homelessness, and limited lifestyle choices that may lead to social exclusion.
Inspired by its founding principle of solidarity, the European Union joined forces with its Member States to make 2010 the European Year For Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion. The objectives were to raise public awareness about these issues and renew the political commitment of the EU and its Member States to combat poverty and social exclusion. The year also challenged stereotypes and collective perceptions of poverty.